Tag: authentic self

Tag: authentic self

Cease Fighting! Create a Culture of Peace

Throughout history, people have been at odds with each other, fighting for one reason or another in an attempt to right perceived wrongs. This has occurred because of a story of separation, which has perpetuated an “us versus them” mentality, exercised to prove one’s goodness to themselves and others. The mentality of war perpetuates this

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Manifesting Grace through Gratitude!

It’s time to get out of your head and into the miracle of living! There is no other time like the present to demonstrate your faith in a higher power through the love you share with everyone you meet. When you appreciate the small things and even the opportunities that manifest from mistakes made, you

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Love Heals!

Love energy is all that exists! Okay, maybe you may not feel that this is so, especially with what you see in the news, but in reality, love is who and what you are! How is this possible? This is true because the life force energy of God is all that is! Any perception that

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