Month: July 2020

Month: July 2020

Manifesting Grace through Gratitude!

It’s time to get out of your head and into the miracle of living! There is no other time like the present to demonstrate your faith in a higher power through the love you share with everyone you meet. When you appreciate the small things and even the opportunities that manifest from mistakes made, you

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Building a Quantum Bridge between Science and Spirituality

In an ideal world that I envision, I know that each person is whole, perfect, and complete in mind, body, and spirit. How is this perceived reality possible? Here lies the paradox. You are perfect in your imperfection. In the scientific realm it is now recognized in the quantum world that light energy resides within

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Miracles Happen!

You are one with the body of God, the life force energy of all creation. You are a miracle, just being in existence! When you choose to have faith in the Divine to guide and direct your way, you manifest exactly what you need at the right and ideal times. Because you are trusting in

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