Month: June 2020

Month: June 2020

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe!

A popular saying these days is “Your vibe attracts your tribe!” I have thought about this concept since I was a young girl. I wanted to be liked and read many personal development books in my early teens in an effort to understand and learn how to connect with people in a genuine manner. One

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Power Versus Force: Be a Channel for Good!

Don’t let your thoughts fool you! What you see in your mind’s eye is a reflection of your essence that has shaped the world around you. The person you are today has become a power for either good, or has fallen prey to negative forces perpetuating feelings of victimization. So-called evil forces are the excuses

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Spiritual Enlightenment in a Religious World

What does it mean to be spiritual? Is being spiritual different from being religious, and if so how? Well, yes, being spiritual is different from being religious – but, in actuality, it is inherently the same. You might say that it doesn’t matter if you are spiritual or religious; both are interested in strengthening a

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The Law of Attraction

You are a magnet. Everything that you think, say, and do attracts into your life a reflection of the spiritual atmosphere that surrounds your subtle energy field. The Law of Attraction is weaved throughout all the laws of the Universe. This law is the expression of energy for each cause and effect that manifests as

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Love Heals!

Love energy is all that exists! Okay, maybe you may not feel that this is so, especially with what you see in the news, but in reality, love is who and what you are! How is this possible? This is true because the life force energy of God is all that is! Any perception that

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