Tag: enlightenment

Tag: enlightenment

Celebrate Life: Break Free from Mediocrity

It is time to celebrate and make use of the freedom you have been blessed to enjoy! This gift is a basic human right which allows you to experience your life as a conscious co-creator who has the ability to break free from mediocrity to uplift humanity to their spiritual magnificence! Right now, humanity is

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Manifesting Grace through Gratitude!

It’s time to get out of your head and into the miracle of living! There is no other time like the present to demonstrate your faith in a higher power through the love you share with everyone you meet. When you appreciate the small things and even the opportunities that manifest from mistakes made, you

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Spiritual Enlightenment in a Religious World

What does it mean to be spiritual? Is being spiritual different from being religious, and if so how? Well, yes, being spiritual is different from being religious – but, in actuality, it is inherently the same. You might say that it doesn’t matter if you are spiritual or religious; both are interested in strengthening a

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